What Does co-opt Mean
In order to discover the meaning of the term co-opt, we are going to know its etymological origin. In this case, we can state that it derives from Latin, exactly from the verb "cooptare" which can be translated as "choose associating" and which is the result of the sum of the prefix "co-" and the verb "optare".
It is a verb that refers to completing the vacancies that are generated in an institution or entity through a vote or an internal decision . This type of selection, therefore, dispenses with external judgment and bets on the nomination made by current members.
When an organization decides to co-opt, it gains autonomy since it defines who will be those who will occupy the available positions. This situation, however, can lead to certain drawbacks, such as the lack of innovation or the impossibility of opening.
An example of co-option is found in the army of many countries . Promotions of officers are generally decreed by other senior officers. By co-opting in this way, there is no outside interference: no one outside the army determines who gets promoted.
The Catholic Priests are also co-opted as the appointment is made by other religious of that belief. An atheist or a Jew, to name two cases, does not have the possibility of appointing a priest of the Catholic Church.
Hereditary law, lotteries, and voter voting are different systems that do not involve co-opting. When a person inherits a position, cooptation does not take place, but the position in question simply corresponds to him due to his condition. In a lottery, the selection falls on chance and not on the internal decision of the institution. If voters outside the corporation vote, finally, there is no co-option either.
It is important to establish that there are several advantages and disadvantages that exist when co-opting within a company or entity. Specifically, among the most significant aspects in favor we can highlight some such as the following:
-That the company can choose for itself who will occupy certain positions within it to achieve the objectives set. It is a way of giving those positions to people who are known who are sufficiently qualified to perform them without problems.
-In the same way, we cannot ignore the fact that another aspect in favor of co-opting is that the aforementioned companies gain independence and autonomy.
On the other hand, as far as disadvantages are concerned, some such as these stand out:
-It can lead to the election of people to occupy positions that are not going to bet on the future of the company since they can be too conservative.
-In the same way, it is possible to proceed to give relevant positions to people who occupy them more than because of their abilities because they have been in the company for many years and it is considered that they "should" be compensated for their career in it.