What Does co-evaluation Mean
An assessment is an exam or test . It is an inquiry that is carried out to know the characteristics or qualities of something or to judge the knowledge or skills of a person in a certain subject .
In the field of education and training , there are different types of evaluations. Each one is carried out in a different way to assess, from different perspectives, what is to be analyzed.
A co-evaluation , in this framework, is a process through which students evaluate each other . This means that, in a class, one classmate evaluates another.
According to specialists, co-evaluation contributes to learning since students become allies by cooperating with each other. The idea is that a student can help another to overcome difficulties and solve problems, learning he himself in said mechanics.
It is estimated that co-evaluation can help the development of interpersonal intelligence . However, the teacher must be present and attentive since, eventually, the methodology can damage the relationships between students. That is why it is often argued that co-evaluation should be applied in specific areas and moments, and not in a general way.
Co-evaluation, sometimes, involves the generation of a rating . This occurs when a partner is in charge of correcting and scoring a partner's test. In other cases, the co-evaluation is only informative , such as when a student makes a presentation and the rest are dedicated to making a return on the communicated contents (feedback).