Rhinitis is an inflammation or irritation of the nasal passages. This condition causes excess mucus production in the nose, leading to a runny nose and nasal congestion. A related condition called postnasal drip, in which excess mucus collects in the back of the nose, is also a common side effect. Up to 20% of people are affected by rhinitis at any one time, and most episodes are fairly short-lived. Long-term episodes of rhinitis are called chronic rhinitis. This condition is often caused by allergies or exposure to chemicals or other irritants.
There are two main types of chronic rhinitis: allergic and non-allergic. Chronic allergic rhinitis is a relatively minor condition, but it has the potential to significantly affect quality of life, as the condition can affect the eyes, ears, and throat in addition to the nose. Allergic rhinitis is caused by oversensitization of the immune system to environmental antigens, causing chronic irritation and inflammation when exposure occurs. One of the most common triggers of allergic rhinitis is wind-borne pollen from grasses, weeds, and certain types of trees and shrubs. Other common triggers include dust mites, pet dander, and pet hair.
Non-allergic chronic rhinitis does not directly affect the immune system. Instead, exposure to one or more environmental triggers can cause inflammation of the nasal passages. Triggers differ from person to person and can include smoke or perfume, changes in temperature or humidity, respiratory infection, alcohol or spicy food, stress, or specific types of medication.
Symptoms of rhinitis include an itchy and stuffy nose, as well as a runny nose and sneezing. Additional symptoms of chronic rhinitis may include red or watery eyes, blocked ears, headaches, and fatigue, if the condition is caused by allergies. When it comes to postnasal drip, a sore throat or chronic cough may also develop.
Allergic rhinitis is usually treated with medication to control symptoms. Avoiding triggers is somewhat difficult, especially when the trigger is pollen. Limiting outdoor exposure on dry or windy days can help reduce pollen exposure, and showering after time outdoors is also a helpful measure. Medications to treat this condition include prescription antihistamines and anti-inflammatory medications to limit the allergic response, and decongestants to clear the nose. People who do not respond to this treatment may opt for a form of immunotherapy in which the immune system is desensitized to allergy-inducing antigens.
Non-allergic chronic rhinitis can be treated with a wide range of home remedies or over-the-counter preparations. Oral decongestants and nasal sprays, and over-the-counter antihistamine and anti-inflammatory medications can help reduce inflammation and clear the nose; However, these tend to be more helpful for chronic allergic rhinitis. Non-allergic chronic rhinitis can also be relieved with plenty of fluids to improve hydration and a humidifier to help keep the nose clear. A hot shower or facial steam bath is a popular home remedy to loosen mucus in the nose and keep your head clear.