Chondromalacia patella, also sometimes known as runner's knee, is a condition resulting from damage to the cartilage below the kneecap. Most people with this condition experience pain in their knees, especially when climbing stairs or kneeling. Squatting can be painful, and even sitting for long periods of time can cause knee discomfort. People with chondromalacia may also hear an audible "grinding" sound when they extend their knees.
The pain felt with chondromalacia is usually right at the front of the kneecap. Some people may also feel that their knees are stiff. The pain is usually described as more uncomfortable than debilitating and when the knees are rested, it can improve to some extent.
There are several things that can cause chondromalacia. Sometimes people, such as runners, who use their knee joints a lot can develop the condition. Other times, arthritis in the knees can cause it. Lack of stretching before exercise can damage the cartilage in the knee. Excessive weight can contribute to it, or even something as simple as wearing ill-fitting shoes can cause the condition.
If you suspect that you have chondromalacia, you should visit a doctor. Diagnosis is usually made by physical examination, but a doctor may order tests such as X-rays or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) to rule out additional or other conditions. The standard treatment for the condition is to make sure you avoid activities that are hard on your knees, such as going up and down stairs. For added comfort, doctors may prescribe nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, such as ibuprofen, or acetaminophen is occasionally prescribed for pain relief.
Doctors may also suggest some muscle strengthening exercises. They are usually done simply and can help strengthen the muscles around the knees and the muscles in the hips. Chondromalacia will usually resolve with rest in about six weeks. However, the condition can be more serious and take longer to resolve in some people.
When chondromalacia does not resolve with treatment, doctors may recommend some surgical techniques to help. One such surgery, arthroscopy, cleans out bits of damaged cartilage from the knees, but there are questions about whether this surgery is effective long-term. Occasionally, the condition is caused by a misaligned patella and requires surgery to realign the patella. This is a more extensive surgical procedure than arthroscopy. Most people will not require surgery and will be able to recover with adequate rest and adherence to the exercise plan provided by their doctors.