What Does character Mean
The word character has multiple meanings. In a given context, talking about a man's character makes it possible to mention his personality and temperament. It is a psychological scheme, with the dynamic particularities of an individual .
Character is not something that is brought from the womb, but is strongly affected by the environment , culture and social environment where each person is formed.
The researcher Santos expresses that character is what differentiates us from our peers and that it is the result of social learning , which are related to the habits of each individual and the way in which they react to experiences . Character does not finish forming until the end of adolescence.
It is important to clarify that character is not the same as temperament , the latter brings together the biological aspects of character and is linked to the physiological process and those genetic factors that significantly collaborate in the social behaviors of individuals. Character, for its part, is the set of psychological aspects that are shaped by education, the work of the will and habits and allow an individual's reaction to experiences. It is important to note, however, that character is closely linked to temperament and that it acts accordingly in most people .
For the creation of character, three components are necessary: emotionality (emotional repercussion of the individual in front of the events), the activity (inclination of the individual to respond to a certain stimulus) and the resonance (response in front of the events).
Character types
Those people who have a nervous character constantly change their interests, they are easily excited about new things but nothing manages to attract them enough. They have no order or discipline in their life. They are usually weak-willed, sociable, and affectionate.
Those of apathetic character live closed in on themselves, they are melancholic, stubborn and lazy. They like routine and are indifferent to their surroundings. They are apathetic and little interested in doing new things.
Those with a sentimental character are very sensitive and pessimistic. They prefer to isolate themselves and are quickly demoralized. They tend to be spiteful, insecure, and indecisive. On the other hand, they have trouble adapting to new things.
The choleric ones live busy, they are daring and move by impulse and improvisation. They are outgoing but as soon as a problem arises, they run away. They are easily stressed.
Those who are passionate have a great memory and imagination and an innate capacity for work. They tend to focus on lost causes and are interested in learning, they are extremely methodical in this task.
Those of amorphous character are usually lazy, unoriginal and wasteful. They do not like to prevent, they are unpunctual and nothing excites them.
With regard to the field of biology , each trait that is used to make descriptions of organisms is called a character . The characters, experts say, can be morphological , anatomical or behavioral , biochemical , physiological , genetic , geographical or of another nature. On the other hand, the characters can be approached with a qualitative or quantitative perspective .
The evolutionary transformation of a species is said to occur when one character is replaced by another. Thus, a set of characters is based on the consecutive stages of its evolution. This series is not necessarily linear, since at times the character of an ancestor has expanded in various ways as its descendants evolved.
In the musical field , on the other hand, the character of a work is understood as the way in which a composer wants the person who directs the orchestra and the musicians who make it up to perform it. To give these indications, expressions in Italian are used, such as agitato , giocoso or vivace .
Otro uso del término carácter aparece en el diseño industrial: allí, se dice que una pieza cuenta con un carácter singular cuando inspira una impresión general distinta a cualquier otro diseño.
En la informática y las telecomunicaciones, un carácter se interpreta como una unidad de información que equivale a grafemas o símbolos, como sucede con los de la modalidad escrita del alfabeto de un lenguaje natural. Esta definición surge de la tipografía, donde un carácter equivale a una letra, un número u otro signo.
Para concluir diremos que este término hace referencia a la individualización de los componentes de un todo, de modo que pueda analizarse el mismo de forma detallada y de ese modo, ser comprendido en su sentido más auténtico.
Generalmente al utilizar el concepto carácter nos referimos a una cualidad innata del sujeto o elemento que estamos analizando, a algo que está integrado en la estructura del mismo y sin el cual dicho ente no habría tenido el mismo desarrollo que podemos ver.