Meaning of Car
The name of car is designated to a machinery that has the ability to generate enough energy by itself to induce its own movement, this own propulsion is generated thanks to the use of motors that they have incorporated, and they are created according to to the capacity of people, merchandise or weight in itself that the vehicle can transport, the car can move or steer by itself, it does not need a road composed of lanes that coordinate its course, which is considered a great advantage since it gives to the machinery freedom in its movements .
Cars can be classified according to their size and transport capacity , among the various types of them can be mentioned: buses, this is a large car that has the capacity to transport a significant number of people, either through the city or for long trips between states and the state of a nation; vans , this car has the capacity to mobilize a maximum of eight people, or otherwise transport a merchandise, it has a bodywork peculiar characterized by the incorporation of a cargo area that may or may not be covered (pick up); It is a means of transport originated with the purpose of transporting heavy goods, especially the mobilization of container-type containers , and it has a reduced cabin that only allows the transport of two or three passengers; Within this group, motorcycles are also considered, this is a small vehicle, with two or four wheels with a slightly smaller and simpler engine, it has the capacity to transport a maximum of 2 passengers.
There are different types of engines , and these can be classified according to their mechanism to acquire energy, among them we can mention: steam engine, which uses a significant pressure as energy , this pressure is achieved with the combustion of a material that It can be firewood or coal and the internal combustion engine, this consists of reacting a material with the ability to burn with external oxygen, thus generating thermal energy that is transformed into mechanical energy .