What Does bouquet Mean
Bouquet is a French word that is used frequently in our language , although there is an equivalent term in Spanish: bouquet . The concept of bouquet or bouquet has two broad meanings.
The bouquet can be the smell that emanates from the wines after aging and that reveals information about the characteristics of the drink. These aromas are acquired by the wine as it ages: for a person to be able to perceive them, they must pour the liquid into a glass, shake it and then let it rest for a few moments. By bringing your nose closer, you will notice the bouquet in question.
It is important to bear in mind that the bouquet is not linked to the smell of the grapes or the chemical components derived from fermentation. The bouquet is the particular aroma that the wine develops after being parked in bottles or barrels. In good quality wines, the bouquet is in balance with the fragrance of the grapes and the products from fermentation.
In general, a distinction is made between the reduction bouquet and the oxidation bouquet . The reduction bouquet is typical of those drinks that, while they age, are in bottles and are not in contact with the air. The ideal is to drink this kind of wine as soon as the bottle is opened, since the bouquet is affected by the oxygen in the atmosphere.
The oxidation bouquet , on the other hand, is characteristic of wines that age in barrels and in contact with the air . The port and sherry are examples of wines Bouquet oxidation.
Bouquet, on the other hand, is the name given to small flower arrangements . A bouquet, in this sense, is an ornament that has an aesthetic or artistic sense.
The arrangements floral of this type are often used to decorate ballrooms and also to act as bridal bouquet , so during the process of planning a wedding is one of the most important elements. As is customary today, thanks to the large amount of information and tutorials on the Internet, we are not obliged to hire someone to put together our bouquet, but we can learn to do it at home.
The first point to take into account when making a bouquet, or a series of them for the bride and the bridesmaids, is the color . In this case, this parameter is linked to the flower species, since we cannot alter them, and that is why we must choose those that suit our ideal design.
The importance of the color of the flowers can be explained from different points of view: on the one hand, it should not be too similar to that of the wedding dress, since they should contrast; but it shouldn't be too noisy either, as this could alter the color balance and spoil the long-awaited photos of the ceremony.
Putting together a bouquet is much more than simply stacking several flowers and tying them together: it is about making a pleasant ornament, with a well-defined style , with a shape that denotes movement. To obtain the best results, it is necessary to choose a particularly resistant flower that can hold the bouquet without breaking: the predominant flower of the bouquet.
Having chosen the predominant flower, it is time for the secondary ones , which are absolutely optional, as many people prefer only one variety . However, the results that can be obtained by combining sizes and shades are very interesting and are worth the effort necessary to achieve them. Berries, buds and small flowers that can be scattered over the bouquet also fall into this group.