What Does bisector Mean
Before proceeding to know the meaning of the term bisector, it is essential to discover its etymological origin. In this case, we can underline that it is a word that derives from Latin, as it is the result of the sum of the sum of several components of that language, such as the following:
-The prefix “bi-”, which is synonymous with “ two".
-The verb “secare”, which can be translated as “cut”.
-The suffix "-trix", which is used as a female agent.
Starting from this mentioned formation we can determine what it means "that cuts into two equal parts".
The notion of bisector is used in the field of geometry to name what divides or cuts something into two equal fragments . In general, the concept refers to the line that divides an angle into two identical segments.
A bisector of an angle , therefore, is a line that passes through its vertex and cuts it into two parts. With respect to the points that are part of the plane, the points of the bisector constitute the locus that is equidistant from the two sides that form the angle.
When two lines cross, they give rise to four consecutive angles . Their bisectors pass through the point of intersection and create four consecutive, right angles (that is, they measure 90º ).
The internal angles of a triangle, on the other hand, have three bisectors that intersect at the same point: the incenter , which is equidistant from the sides and constitutes the center of the circumference that is formed inside the figure . This circumference is tangent to the three sides of the triangle in question.
It should be noted that, from Thales' theorem , another theorem that involves a bisector follows : the theorem of the bisector of the internal angle of a triangle . This sentence indicates that, if we take a triangle, the ratio between two of its sides is equal to the ratio of the segments into which the third of the sides is divided by the passage of the bisector of the internal angle that is opposite.
This what comes to mean if we apply it to a formula is that of a triangle ABC, AD would become the bisector of the internal angle. Hence BA / AC becomes the same as BD / DC.
In addition to all the above we have to establish that there are those who come to confuse what is the bisector with the mediatrix. However, it must be clear that they are not the same, they are different things:
-So, on the one hand, the bisector is a line that is perpendicular to a segment. It also responds to the name of symmetrical and is usually used to be able to carry out the establishment of what the circumcenter is.
-On the other hand, we must establish, as we have already explained, that the bisector is the ray that is responsible for dividing an angle into two equal parts.