What is Birth certificate?

Meaning of Birth certificate

The birth certificate, also known as a birth certificate, is the document in which the data of a newborn are detailed , such as their names and surnames, names and surnames of the father and mother, date and time of birth, in addition to , on some occasions, its physical characteristics, such as weight and measurements. It is a compulsory practice in most of the countries of the world, enabling a series of enclosures, called " civil registry ", where parents go for such a task . This is usually done within a few hours or a day after birth, with both or only one parent present.

The practice of registering each one of the births comes from the Middle Ages , when in the Churches the data of all the baptized children were noted, in what was called "baptism certificate". This, although it only took into account Catholic children, was the beginning of a new imposition, where children had to be presented before an administrative body, regardless of their religion.

With a birth certificate, delivered by the hospital, where the birth is verified, the registration can be started. It should be noted that, in some health centers, there is an area where a representative of the registry takes the data, eliminating the obligation to travel to the agency. Once the certificate is issued, the civil registry will keep the original document, while the legal representatives of the child are now given a copy. From that moment on, you will be a citizen of the nation in which the birth occurred; In the future, the person will need a birth certificate to carry out all kinds of procedures, such as enrollment in the educational system or access to State programs.

Identification card
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