What Does barrel Mean
A cask is a large vat or barrel . This cylindrical container allows the storage of different substances: in general, the barrel is used for the production and storage of wine or oil .
For example: "The price of oil per barrel reached its lowest level in the last twenty years" , "This winery can produce about a hundred barrels of wine a year" , "The boy hid in an empty barrel so that his parents would not find it ” .
Burning barrels, in the past, were used as a projectile . Bathed in tar to keep the fire going for a long time, they threw themselves towards the enemy or into a pit for defense.
In ancient times, it was called a barrel to a measure that was used on ships . The barrel was equivalent to five sixths of a ton , according to the dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy ( RAE ). Over the years, it began to be pointed out that one ton was equal to one male barrel.
By extension to these meanings, in colloquial language, fat individuals are usually described as barrels: "The guy is made a barrel, he should lose weight" , "Marcelo is a barrel: I don't understand why he doesn't decide to start a diet to lose weight ” .
Tonel, on the other hand, is an acrobatic maneuver performed by aircraft in exhibitions. When an airplane makes a roll, it completes a rotation of three hundred and sixty degrees on its longitudinal axis, that is, the turn does not change the direction of the ship once it is completed.
Experts differentiate between the fast roll , the slow roll , the flown roll and the aileron roll , the main difference of which is the trajectory described by the nose of the ship with respect to a reference point that is on the horizon, but also the way the controls are used differs. There is also the one called by times . Let's see three of the main ones below.
Barrel for times
It consists of a slow horizontal turn deliberately interrupted at equal intervals . In general, the barrel should be divided into four or eight parts, from which it is possible to identify them as a 4-stroke barrel or 8-stroke barrel , respectively.
Aileron barrel
It is the easiest of all. The circle described by the nose of the aircraft as it revolves around a landmark is small. To achieve this, the pilot must follow these steps:
* Chop gently until the speed is 10% higher than the so-called average or cruising speed , that is, the uniform and constant speed that can be achieved under normal conditions of temperature and pressure without facing alterations of any kind;
* raise the nose quickly and start the roll;
* raise the pressure with the ailerons fully and slowly give the lever forward;
* without moving the lever from its position, decrease the pressure on the rudder for a moment ;
* back the lever gently and continue until completing the roll over the horizon.
Flown barrel
This is perhaps the most popular, thanks to the StarFox video game series , published exclusively on Nintendo consoles , where the phrase "Do a barrel roll!" ("Make a blown barrel!"), Spoken by one of the characters to give the lead pilot an indication, exceeded the limits of fiction to be mentioned often by fans in very diverse situations. It is important to note that in the game the concept is not used correctly, since the twist that is appreciated in it is another.
To make a flown barrel it is necessary:
* chop gently until the average speed is exceeded by 10% ;
* turn upward 20º to the left;
* start the barrel on the right;
* give the lever forward without losing the distance with the reference point;
* the ailerons must be fully clockwise;
* move the lever backwards but always to the side;
* complete the barrel below the horizon.