Meaning of Ayatollah
The word ayatollah or ayatollah is an Arabic word that means "sign of Ala or sign of God." It represents one of the highest denominations within the Twelfth Shiite priesthood . Ayatollahs are respected experts in the study of Islamic sciences , such as philosophy, morals, enlightenment knowledge, and legislation. The title assigned in the past was Hoyatoleslam which means "proof of Islam", this name was the first within the Islamic hierarchy. Similarly, the highest title is that of Grand Ayatollah ; traditionally awarded to the main recognized authorities.
There is no consistent reciprocity between the levels of religious studies, and the scale of the different titles, although many consider that custom determines the rank of Ayatollah for those who have completed the supplementary level of profound knowledge, and the principles of religion. . It is thought that the ayatollahs are not obliged to imitate the sources of emulation , but rather should solve their particular doubts by themselves through reflection. However, others should not accept them as an example without first being recognized by their peers as a source of emulation.
The person who was first awarded the title of ayatollah (and the only one to be identified as such) was the Iraqi theologian and legal expert Alamat al-Hilli (1250-1325) for his prodigious mastery of the sciences. Islamic laws and their collaboration in the systematization of Islamic laws. The next to adopt it was the Iraqi of Iranian roots Seyed Mohammad Mehdi Bahr Ol-Olum (1742-1797), in this way and throughout the years this title has been assigned to all those who are recognized the ability to reflection.
The current Ayatollah is Ali Khamenei who replaced Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini .