What is Autotroph?

Meaning of Autotroph

The word autotroph derives from the Latin "auto" which means identical, similar, similar, exact and "trophe" means "nutrition" which is what one performs oneself. The beings or autotrophs are being fed to produce within its own feed and is the simplest in the world of living beings because animals and humans need to feed on other compounds and plants in this case also can be considered as autotrophic beings .

For autotrophic beings, there are elements such as water, which is the main and essential component of the human body, or sunlight, which is the total spectrum of electromagnetic radiation from the sun, from which photosynthesis or light synthesis is made, which are very essential to be able to make their own food and continue to grow.

In the alimentary link, the autotrophic beings are the main links that are the most important for the organisms that can participate in it. And it is precise that the autotrophs are the only ones to take energy directly from the environment to nourish themselves but the other heterotrophic beings that are those that are applied to organisms are unable to elaborate their own organic matter from inorganic substances and feed on the substances made by other living beings that need the tuning process where the main ones execute it naturally.

In this way, animals and human beings feed on plants to perceive energy already processed, which in the same period carnivorous animals such as humans, felines or wolves use herbivores that feed on their hunting. vegetables to receive the nutrients and energy that can be produced in an autotrophic organism .

In the case of normal plants and vegetables , seaweeds are those that contain minerals, vitamins , stimulate metabolism and cleanse beings from the inside, they are also considered autotrophic beings that carry out a type of synthesis known as chemosynthesis, which are bacteria that They are used as a source of carbon and carbon dioxide in a process similar to the Calvin cycle of plants .

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