What is Aura?

Meaning of Aura

The aura comes from the Greek aer which means "breeze" is defined as an irradiation or sensation that emanates from something or someone , causing an impression or sensation that varies and which can change the perception of the living beings that are around them . However, depending on the topic that is touched, this definition has different references, therefore, it can mean a luminous or immaterial irradiation that covers the being of some subjects, as a kind of energy field covering specific things or people and that is not visible to the eyes of any human.

It can also be exposed as a representation, even a composition of the vibrations of the soul, many believe that depending on the state of mind in which said subject is, his aura emanates a certain color that differentiates him from the rest. However, these are no more than assumptions or beliefs and although some have been proven, many are suspicious of this type of discovery.

For their part, those who do believe, believe that the aura is also composed of seven layers linked to the chakras (eight energy points located in different parts of the body vertically) coupled with this, it can be considered that each human being is born with a specific aura color that only an unusual or extraordinary situation could change.

In the medical area, the aura is a precedent of an early crisis or illness , especially in epileptic seizures or other complications. When it comes to explaining in a simple way the meaning of the aura as such, it is usually associated with the word energy since it produces movement, hence the meaning of breeze.

Despite having a distinctive color in each human, the tonality changes due to the constant flow of energy and the continuous discharge of emotions, those particles of energies are in an etheric or subtle body, it is nothing more than an intermediate element that is divided between the intelligent soul and the physical body, as some philosophies call it.

This name comes from astrological and esoteric meanings, which explain this as a spiritual entity. The human being is made up of two bodies , the physical (made up of matter) and the spiritual or esoteric, which are made up of the seven main chakra centers (eight energy points grouped vertically) and a thread of energy that connects each part of the system. nervous, thus the etheric body can eliminate even physical illnesses if that is the case.

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