What is Asylum?

Meaning of Asylum

Etymologically this word comes from the Greek "Asylon" which means " that which cannot be taken ". This word is used to refer to the exercise of granting protection to one or more people in a specific way, as a result of different events or situations that occur to them.

Two kinds of asylum are known : humanitarian asylum and political asylum . Humanitarian asylum is that used in many countries and consists of the acceptance of immigrants in their territory, because these people had to leave their country due to the risk that their lives would run if they remained in it. Some of the situations that give rise to the granting of asylum would be political, religious or military reasons. The laws of each country have stipulated which are the cases that may be worthy of the granting of asylum, however those inhabitants of nations that are in the middle of a war have priority .

It is important to note that no asylum-granting nation can return asylees to their country of origin, if the security conditions in that country are not the most correct. On the other hand, there is political asylum, which consists of the right of every person repatriated from one nation to another who is requesting it to be prosecuted for political reasons . On the other hand, asylum can be defined as that place or building or service center that gives shelter to all those people who require assistance and protection, such as those who are on the street, those who have a disability, people of the elderly , among others.

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