What is Astrophysics?

Meaning of Astrophysics

Astrophysics is the union of two branches of science, physics and astronomy , with which the structure, composition, phenomena and properties of stars and other stellar bodies can be explained. Scientific studies have determined that the laws of physics and chemistry are universal, so they can be applied to celestial bodies in space, therefore physics and astronomy can work hand in hand.

Astrophysics is an experimental science , based on the observation of the phenomena and properties of stellar bodies through astronomy, which can be explained through the laws and formulas of physics.

Another element studied by astrophysics is the structure of interstellar matter , such as clouds, gases and dust that are found in a large part of space and that were considered empty.

Astrophysicists generally focus on four fundamental aspects:

  • The knowledge of the Solar System tries to understand everything related to the Sun and the magnetic systems related to it.
  • The knowledge that focuses on the stars to determine what is inside the stars and the explosive phenomena that take place in the universe, which is known as gamma ray bursts .
  • The knowledge of the structure and evolution of our galaxy and the central hole in it.
  • Knowledge of extragalactic physics and analysis of the universe as a whole.

A student considering taking a career in astrophysics should know that there are general subjects such as mathematics, electromagnetism, optics, computers, or electronics. Already in the astronomy section, there are topics such as cosmology, fluid physics, thermodynamics, photometry, star physics or the main theories of this science (for example, the theory of relativity )

Astrophysicists during their research use large telescopes that are capable of concentrating the light and the temperature of the stars. This light is analyzed with different instruments that measure brightness, radiometers , which record the heat emitted by celestial bodies, and spectrographs, which scatter the rays of that light at their corresponding wavelengths to form the Spectrum.

Thermonuclear astrophysics studies nuclear processes that release large amounts of energy in the form of particles or electromagnetic radiation, that is, thermonuclear reactions.

There are two types of thermonuclear reactions. The nuclear fusion reactions occurring in the sun and stars generate energy and nuclear fission reactions that a process used in nuclear power plants.

Thermonuclear energy is almost inexhaustible and much cheaper, due to its extraction process, compared to other energy sources.

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