Meaning of Asthenia
It is a symptom constituted by the perception of muscular weakness , often with general discomfort and fatigue . It is necessary to differentiate asthenia from fatigue, in the first the symptoms do not improve or do very little with the rest.
Among the most common symptoms of asthenia are: A lot of exhaustion, feeling of lack of energy and fatigue , complication of intellectual functions such as memory, attention, concentration and vigilance, alteration of the perception of the outside world, anxiety, personality disorders, alteration sexuality functions, decreased sexual desire and erectile dysfunction and physical disorders such as: loss of appetite, muscle fatigue and sleep disorders .
Heart and cancer conditions, pregnancy, alcohol and drug dependence , depression, and abuse often trigger asthenia.
It is important to note that the symptoms also depend on the underlying condition and other symptoms associated with asthenia . Signs and symptoms of asthenia that affect a common body part include the following:
- Slow movement or a delayed movement in the performance of a task .
- Shaking or shaking episodes when performing a task or exerting yourself.
- Presentation of muscle spasms.
- Muscle cramps can also be experienced .
The signs and symptoms of asthenia affect the entire body are as follows:
- Run for a feeling comparable to flu symptoms .
- Fever can also be experienced depending on the cause of the asthenia.
- Tiredness.
- Loss or lack of energy.
- Physical discomfort .
- Absence or loss of muscle strength.
- Inability to complete a task or move.
- Slow motion.
- Feeling unwell.
Asthenia can also be associated with other symptoms that are very life threatening and therefore require immediate medical attention and such include the following:
- Change of mental state or confusion.
- Difficulty speaking or difficulty speaking.
- Sudden change in vision.
- Excruciating pain .
- Sudden loss of consciousness
Although there is no single treatment to cure asthenia, there are some tips that can alleviate symptoms and even prevent them from occurring, including: leading a healthy life, including exercise, eating at prescribed times, and healthy foods (cereals, fruits, and vegetables ), avoiding the consumption of excess fats and keeping the body always very well hydrated.