Meaning of Assembly
The origin of the term Assembly comes from the Latin word "Assimilare" which means "Assimilate" , was subsequently adopted by the French language and other cultures , where the term was born "Assembly" . The figure of the assembly was adopted by the different civilizations over time in view of the need to reach a common agreement to maintain the guidelines dictated by society .
An assembly is a meeting between several individuals, said meeting is called in order to make a decision on a certain issue of relevant importance, a decision that cannot or should not be assumed by a single person, but must be jointly. The people included in the assembly have some power or have some explicit permission to belong to it.
It can then be said that an assembly seeks to interact commonly in order to agree on specific solutions in the study of any problem that affects a community, speaking of either a small entity, a nation or the entire world.
Today assemblies are held in different organizations or institutions, both public and private, regardless of class or social reason; However, in ancient times assemblies took place in the political sphere , for example in ancient Rome they were one of the bases of government. It is also currently known of the existence of many democratic organizations where assemblies are the highest authority when making decisions, an example of these: a National Assembly.