Meaning of ASCII
The ASCII code is known as the acronym for the English words American Standard Code for Information Exchange and Spanish means Code American Standard for Information Interchange , this code is fully based on the Latin alphabet that has different types of uses and may involve a combination of symbols within an established system that has a certain value.
The ASCII computer is known as source code to the text developed in a programming language that must be compiled or developed to run on a computer, which is a presentation of alphanumeric characters that is when it consists of letters and numbers and is easy for communication between different digital devices.
The ASCII code represents a set of numbers from 0 to 127 , in decimal scale, for the processor that is a binary string that is composed of two elements or 7-digit units, where 127 is expressed as 1111111 and is especially useful for the realization of the web sites.
There are also many forms that users can fill out and especially if the page has different versions in several languages that are important and can be very meticulous in processing the text entered to ensure that it is stored in the database and in that way can review the information and there are no errors when printing special characters, because the combination of characters is used to create and understand secret messages.