What is Artifact?

Meaning of Artifact

The word artifact derives from Latin roots , specifically from «arte factum», which means «made with art», lexically formed by art with the same meaning, and factus which means «fact». Hence its meaning of mechanical work or creation made with art; So we can define the word artifact as a product or machine created with a specific purpose, with multiple complexities ; They are machines made by one or more individuals and whose manufacture or elaboration requires certain skills. This term can also be used in a derogatory way to describe the mechanism in general or any object of a certain size.

On the other hand, there are the technological devices or also called technological devices are those that from past times have been improved by man over time thanks to the help of technology, many of these created to improve the quality of life of the humanity and make it much more comfortable, a clear example of this are computers, cars, which since ancient times have been modified thanks to technology and today have significantly improved and modernized helping to facilitate the quality of life of man .

The most common characteristics of artifacts are: that their function is not to be consumed, but rather that their function is that they last over time; they are works of the human being; they are movable; they are material objects and not ideas; they fulfill a certain function, be it symbolic, practical or aesthetic; and its construction is free.

Finally, an artifact could also be an explosive charge such as a mine, a grenade or other detonating object .

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