Meaning of Article
The word article has several meanings, but its main uses are to refer to the parts of a division , such as those of a writing, an idea, a body, among others. And the other is to refer to that word that determines the noun . When talking about the first main meaning, by breaking down its meaning, we can say that it is a text or a note that is generally published in a newspaper, and can also be found in magazines, books or the internet.
The word “article” comes from Latin roots, from the word «articŭlus» , diminutive of «artus» which means «joint», «member», «joint» or «part». Based on this, it can be said that an article is the parts that make up a text of a legal nature , where rules and statutes are established and it can be for a local, national or universal context. For example, the articles of the Constitution of a country.
On the other hand, the text where a social communication professional expresses the realities about an event or some fact is also called "article"; However, there are several categories in this sense, among which there is the opinion article, where anyone, regardless of their profession, can express themselves.
An article is also a consumer product that will be marketed and will be the object of its marketing and can be of any category; for example, cleaning supplies or party supplies. Similarly, it refers to the elements used in grammar to denote the quantity and gender of a noun.
Press article
An article within the field of journalism is an important genre within it, and consists of a text that develops the details of an event of collective interest in different areas: political, social, economic, sports, entertainment, among others. The purpose of the same is to present information from a point of view and generate interest in the subject in the reader and that an opinion matrix can be created in this regard.
Most of the time they are short notes that are delimited on a particular topic, where the author or writer must capture an objective point of view, as in this case, which is the news.
This informative article presents a simple style, with an everyday vocabulary since it is aimed at all audiences at all cultural levels, and expresses ideas without going into them, so that the reader is interested in delving more about the topics that are exposed. Its author will be the one who imposes his style in what is an article.
The objective of the press article is to inform the community about a fact, generally written by a journalist belonging to the medium through which it is published, which must have a tinge of objectivity, although it will be marked by the position of the editorial line of the same. Due to this, it is possible to get articles about the same event in various media with a different approach and the message transmitted is totally different.
Finally, the article must be reviewed before publication by an editor-in-chief, who is in charge of checking that all the content is within the style and writing parameters appropriate to the medium for final approval and subsequent disclosure.
For the writing of a quality press article, which meets the objectives of informing and awakening the collective interest , certain parameters and norms must be met, and have a defined structure:
1. Header. It refers to the statements that are at the top of the page on which the news is published. Its functions will be to identify the medium , classify the article according to the section to which it belongs, catch the reader's attention, give the medium a stylistic definition in terms of fonts and colors , among others.
2. Holder. It is the title of the article, which will reveal what its content is about in a few words. It must be short , precise, catching the reader's attention and who wants to know more about the news event that precedes it.
It is, in turn, accompanied by a pretitle, which is a short sentence in which a secondary news item can be mentioned within the most relevant event and may be independent of the title; and a summary, which is a brief summary of what will be developed in the content and which gives more information about the title statement, without exceeding four lines.
3. Entry or lead. This is the first paragraph of the story, which must answer what is known as 5W + 1H (what [what], who [who], when [when], where [where], why [why] [how]), although you don't necessarily have to answer them all in the same paragraph.
This paragraph is vital, since it must catch the reader's attention and must tell them why what is being read is important. It will depend on whether he is interested in continuing reading or discarding the article.
4. Body of the news. In it, the details of the information to be transmitted will be broken down. In this case, the information that makes up the event will be given with the most important priority as a priority, until closing with the less relevant details.
Opinion article
It is a literary genre and a type of newspaper article, being a text in which the author will express his points of view , opinions, thoughts and reflections on a particular topic, without taking into account the objectivity for it. It is a journalistic text that expresses the feelings of a particular person or media, about a subject that arouses the interest of public opinion.
Among the characteristics of an opinion article are that its authorship is not subject to a professional of social communication or journalism, since this type of article offers the freedom to anyone to express their point of view in a subjective, simple, clear way and accurate on any subject.
However, many times, opinion articles will be written by experts in other areas, such as sociology, psychology, economics, political science, philosophy, education, among many others, giving their reflections on their areas in any field, and they will be able to use a more specialized language according to the topic developed, as they will have the freedom to do so, being only limited by the amount of space they have in the publication and that the medium grants them.
This freedom likewise gives them the opportunity not to have to be subject to the editorial line of the medium that publishes them, and in turn it is not responsible for the opinions expressed by these authors. The publishers of the media are, in a way, opinion pieces, and one of the differences is that publishers do not include the author 's name, while the opinion pieces usually bear the signature of who wrote it .
The structure that an opinion piece follows varies slightly from a news article , although you can tell the difference. It consists of an introduction in which the author briefly describes the problem posed and his opinion on it; followed by a thesis on an idea that he considers and defends with arguments based on his knowledge or values about it; then he will expose the pros and cons of his theory, in which he will argue his thesis against; and finally conclude with your opinion.
In many media there are opinion columns dedicated to the same writer, who on a regular basis and being external to the medium, will write an opinion article on any subject and will always have their space.
What is a popular science article
This type of article is a brief note or written, whose theme is related to the different branches of science, technology, sociology, culture , among others; delivered to a general public by means of a written communication; In other words, the written media such as newspapers and magazines are particularly used for its publication.
As in well-known newspaper articles, they regularly have language that can be digested by the public, so that the public can understand the discoveries or knowledge that are intended to be disseminated through this disclosure format.
These are extremely relevant for mass society , as it is an important bridge that exists between the complex investigations and experiments carried out by experts in each area and the common citizen. Through it, the citizen will be able to have a context about the scientific events that are taking place today and will be able, through friendly language , to find out what is happening in the areas of medicine, astronomy, technology, among others, to that shows interest in what is a popular science article.
Today, there are different means of communication where you can see how information is disseminated on different topics, be they scientific, social, technological, among others. An example is television documentaries, newspaper articles, magazines or Internet pages. It should be noted that there are television channels such as National Geographic or Discovery Channel that are dedicated to scientific dissemination in their programming.
The popular articles are characterized by being based on an exhaustive investigation of the developed topic ; a justification for carrying it out; the background of the subject and its problems; and the conclusion where the results are exposed.
They must also refer to a scientific approach; be original even when they must have antecedents; with valid results; have scientific rigor; be written briefly; have an ethical character; and be supported with annexes, such as graphs, tables, illustrations and photographs.
Its structure is made up of:
- Title . This must be short, which can be informative (containing the most important data) or indicative (indicating the subject in question).
- Author (s) . The signatories of the investigation must be placed here, whose number must not exceed six people, taking the first name as the main author of the article.
- Summary and keywords . This should not exceed 250 words, where the problem raised, the objectives sought, the scope of the research and the methodology are briefly explained, but avoiding presenting conclusions or information about the research. It must be written in the past, except for the last sentence.
Keywords should be selected in such a way that they represent the research and should not exceed five.
- Introduction . In it, the question of why the work is done is raised, and the reader is introduced to the subject progressively, from a general approach.
- Theoretical framework . This gives the article scientific support and a theoretical justification, having support and giving seriousness to the work.
- Methodology . This part describes how the research was done: what was done, how and when it was done.
It is drawn up in time past and should provide sufficient information, such as design or type of investigation, the sampled population, environment, interventions (techniques, testing, etc.) and type of statistical analysis.
- Results. In this part the tables and graphs product of the studies and the application of the instruments are presented. This will allow you to give the results of the scores and present the supporting evidence.
- Discussion and conclusions . The discussion may be shaped by the answer to the question posed in the summary; In addition, outliers can be flagged to give them a logical explanation as far as possible; and include recommendations if required.
The conclusions are brief reflections on the work carried out, with a reminder of its objective and the methods, indicating if the hypotheses were verified.
- Bibliographic references. Here all books, virtual and other sources that have been consulted must be indicated, following certain parameters, being presented in alphabetical order. The style of the scientific journal article will be determined by said medium.
What is an article in Law
In the field of Law, "article" is understood to be that particle or part, usually enumerated, of a law, treaty or regulation . It is the way in which these documents are written, and each one is a fraction of the law that is dictating.
One characteristic of what an article in Law is is that, if its content is very broad, it can be subdivided into several sections, which most of the time are identified with letters. This must allow the law, regulation or statute that they make up to have an organized structure and complement each other, giving coherence to the project.
These articles can be of two types: the main ones in a law are those that are permanent; and the transitory ones, which have a temporary validity and usually make mention of the entry into force of the regulations.
In the event that it is necessary to add a new article between two already numbered, the numbering of the existing ones will continue to be maintained, and the new article will be given a numeral adverb (which may be "bis", "ter", "quater" , "Quintus", etc.). The exception to these cases of numbering, will be those laws composed of only one article, called “sole article”, or those that are at the end of the statutes, called “final article”.
Some examples of this type of article are: national ones, such as article 1 of the Mexican Constitution (every citizen of Mexico will have the guarantees of said document), article 16 of the constitution (defends the privacy of people) or article 123 ( right to work that every citizen has); or some focused on a specific issue, such as article 74 of the Federal Labor Law, which talks about days off.
What is an article in grammar
When talking about what an article is in grammar, it is said that it is a determiner that precedes the noun or may be in its place, and serves to indicate or manifest whether the noun is known or not by the sender or receiver.
Grammar articles can be classified into:
- Determined , are those that are used when an object is known, that is, they refer to a specific object. An example of this type of article is: for the singular “the pencil”, “the apple”, “the universal” and for the plural “the trees”, “the plants”.
- Indeterminate , they are used when the object is not known, and they are attached to the noun. Examples of them and their use are: for the singular “an airplane”, “a guitar”, “oneself”, and for the plural “some tables”, “some newspapers”.