Meaning of Arteries
The arteries are blood vessels that have a very important load with respect to the functions that the heart exerts on them. Oxygenated blood loaded with nutrients that each organ needs for its proper functioning is transported through the arteries, the blood rich in caloric and nutritious content is also completed with the contribution that the lungs receive of carbon dioxide through them. The arteries are the blood vessels that support the most pressure, their thick and elastic walls of these are designed to support large torrents of a dense flow of blood whose appearance is strong red or watery, but these through the nervous system they allow them to contract and dilate to establish control parameters for blood pressure.
The arteries are blood conducting tubes that are present throughout the body, the limits for these are the organs, since these are their final destination, for the extremities and other parts of the body are the veins and capillaries . The arteries are divided into two types, each of which has its own branches:
The aorta artery is responsible for distributing the blood they need through the organs , specifically, the blood that is conducted through them goes to the bronchi, kidneys, pancreas, liver, and organs related to the reproductive system . Between the branches of the arteries of the aorta, the carotid artery and the coronary arteries are detached .
The pulmonary artery , transports the blood combined with carbon dioxide through the artery , it is only divided into two sub arteries that are connected to each of the lungs.
As etymologically speaking the arteries clearly define a designated space for a certain flow path to take place , it is also assigned to those roads, avenues and highways that are heavily traveled. They are called the vial artery.
One of the most common pathologies that affects millions of people in the world is the obstruction of the coronary artery , this happens when compounds of fat or calcium, I know that are produced in excess in the organs, obstruct the artery, producing a decreased flow of blood, which when complicated strikes the heart a myocardial infarction .