What Does arrow Mean
The word arrow comes from the French flèche and allows us to name a projectile that is fired with a bow . This is a throwing weapon with a sharp tip and feathers on the opposite end so that it can maintain direction after being fired.
The use of the arrow dates back several thousand years. Remains of arrows from the Upper Paleolithic (between 33,000 BC and 9,000 BC) have been found. The Egyptians, for example, used arrows with wooden tips to hunt.
The bow used to shoot the dates, on the other hand, is usually made up of a single piece of wood stretched with a string of plant, animal or synthetic fibers. The size of the bow depends on the height of the shooter.
Among the characters who have been most famous for their masterful use of the bow and arrows is, for example, Guillermo Tell. It has not been possible to prove that he was really a real person but there is a legend and a multitude of stories about him thanks to various stories that take him as the protagonist and that are dated in the 15th and 16th centuries.
Within the process of Swiss Independence, in the fourteenth century, Tell is included, who is presented as a crossbowman well known for the great mastery he had in this art. So much so that the most famous legend about the same tells that the governor of the city in which he lived, not wanting to bow before him, stopped him with his son and forced him to take a test to be able to let him go. .
Specifically, that test consisted of Tell having to hit an apple placed right on the head of his own son with his arrow. If he failed, he would not only kill his offspring but also be imprisoned, while if he succeeded he would be freed. And so it happened, he was right on the piece of fruit.
It is important to note that archery is an Olympic discipline. This precision sport consists of hitting a target or target that presents concentric rings with different scores. The arrow, therefore, went from being a hunting tool and a weapon to a sporting instrument.
In addition to all the above, we cannot ignore the fact that we colloquially use the word arrow a lot. Specifically, we use it as part of the adverbial phrase "like an arrow", with which what is expressed is that someone or something is going very fast.
On the other hand, an arrow is a symbol that is used to mark a path. These are drawings or posters that represent traditional arrows and indicate a direction. Arrows are very common on road signs .
An arrow turning to the left anticipates a curve to that side; on the contrary, an arrow turning to the right indicates that the curve will be towards that side. In these cases, the arrows point to a specific direction.