What is Archangel?

Meaning of Archangel

Angels, within religious doctrines, are spiritual or immaterial beings , whose main purpose of existence is to serve the main deity of religion, in addition to protecting humans. In Christianity, archangels can be found, beings that are one step above the angels, and who are located in the third hierarchy determined by angelology . This word originates from the Greek "αρχάγγελος" (archángelos) "Archangel", whose lexical components with "arc", which can be translated as "chief" or " leader ", As well as" angels "or messenger. It is by the definition that this word carries, that the archangels are interpreted as the angelic beings in charge of important tasks and who command the actions of the angels.

The archangels are, like the angels, related to the tasks dedicated to humanity. These would be in charge of delivering messages and ensuring the well-being of humans in the essential aspects of their lives. In the biblical texts, a series of exponents are mentioned for this group, such as: Michael, the head of the heavenly army; Gabriel, the heavenly messenger; Rafael , who takes care of love relationships, health and travelers; Uriel, together with the administration of the spaces dedicated to God; Raguel, who deals with issues such as justice, fairness and harmony; Sariel, being that watches over the souls of those men who have committed sin; In addition, there is Remiel, in charge of the people who have risen.

In those religions that are governed by the doctrines focused on Christianity, not all of the aforementioned archangels are accepted , since, on some occasions, they are arranged in other positions within the angelic hierarchy, either lower or higher. Some accept up to three of them, while others decide to opt only for the archangel Gabriel.

Middle Ages
Ave Maria
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