What is Appreciation?

Meaning of Appreciation

It is known as the appreciation of the act and the result of the appreciation : that is, to value or estimate someone or something. Appreciation, in this way, can be equivalent to affection. There are different forms of interpersonal affection, appreciation shows affection towards another person through a positive view of another person. A person who appreciates another values their virtues, has esteem and consideration for the other.

If there were a scale of feelings, we could say that affection is less intense than love. That is, a father does not care about his children, but loves them. The same happens between members of a couple or other family ties . On the contrary, among co-workers or neighbors, there may be an estimate such as appreciation and not love. This is due to the lack of emotional closeness or even the limited knowledge that these people may have with each other.

This type of affection, although it may be more superficial than true friendship in which there is deep trust, also nurtures personal self-esteem since personal relationships in different degrees also bring happiness when these relationships are positive . These types of relationships are defined by cordiality and respect for the other. In addition to the pleasure that these types of links produce.

In this type of interpersonal links there may be a greater distance or lose the relationship since these types of links are usually caused by a specific event, for example, they coincide in the same job or in the same university course . When two people are really friends, they stay in touch during their summer vacation and make plans more often.

A person may have few true friends throughout his life since deep friendship implies commitment and dedication of time . However, a person knows many people for whom he has a sincere appreciation, since this bond to being more superficial requires less commitment .

Appreciation, on the other hand, is used synonymously with appreciation, a concept that refers to the increase in the price of one currency compared to another . When one currency appreciates relative to another, its value increases. For appreciation to be possible, the exchange rate should not be fixed (since, in that case, the price would not change).

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