What is Appetite?

Meaning of Appetite

We can define appetite as the impulse to satisfy a basic need; like eating, it is a feeling of hunger. The appetite is also emotional as the wishful inclination of the human will that has a natural tendency towards the achievement of new objectives and new goals.

What is desired is presented as appetizing, that is, as a desirable good for its attractiveness. Craving is clearly related to happiness because we are happiest when we can make those wishes come true as long as they are logical wishes and in accordance with human nature.

The appetite, in general, leads the person to take some measure to obtain its satisfaction. It is very common for a person to have an appetite for food : what, in everyday language, we know as hunger (the need to eat). When a subject feels an appetite, he experiences the desire to eat.

Desires of the heart, the desire reflects that instinctive movement that arises in the heart regardless of reason. However, for the appetite to be really positive for the human being, it has to be reasoned and meditated by the will. The craving is often accompanied by the hope of realizing that particular longing . Otherwise, when despair arises, the desire also slowly dies as it loses its perspective of possibility from the point of view of the person throwing in the towel to achieve that good.

This is clearly seen from the point of view of infatuation . The desire to be reciprocal is remarkable, while there is hope , on the contrary, when rejection occurs, this sentimental situation leads to suffering, disappointment and damage .

From the human point of view, it is convenient to reflect on the changing nature of desires since the human being is in constant evolution. Some wishes have an expiration date, as there are illusions that eventually lose their force to give way to other new internal motivations . Desires are also changing because when a person has realized a specific goal, they enjoy it for a while, but soon they return to looking for a new goal with which to leave their comfort zone.

Illusions rejuvenate the heart and set a course for concrete happiness, as we direct our steps toward these motivational illusions.

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