What is Apostasy?

Meaning of Apostasy

According to its etymology, the word apostasy comes from the Latin «apostasĭa» and this derives from the Greek voice «ἀποστασία», with lexical elements such as the prefix «απο» or «apo» which means «outside of», the entry «στασις» or "Stasis" which means "place" or "put", plus the Greek suffix "sis" which denotes action and the suffix "ia" which indicates "quality." Apostasy in a general sense can be defined as the abandonment, retraction or denial of faith in a certain religion , or on the other hand, it is the resignation or desertion of one party or institute to later be part of another, that is, it refers to change of doctrine or opinion.

This word is closely related to the religious sphere in order to describe the irregular departure from a religious order or institute ; the performance of the cleric who generally deprives himself of his condition, violating or breaking his religious obligations . As manifested by the scriptures, apostasy is the abandonment of complete faith in Christ . In other words, an apostate person repudiates or deserts the ideal, religion or fundamental doctrine that he has obtained; and said desertion of faith or belief supposes not only to ignore Jesus Christ but also to ignore his commandments, teachings and advice, this means that he acts against the will of God.

At present apostasy is claimed as a right by citizenship , so that it forms part of the right to freedom of conscience and all freedom of worship . It should be noted that in modern Greek , the word corresponding to «Αποστασία» or in our language apostasy does not always express a religious sense, which happened in the case of the 1965 apostasy, in Greek «Αποστασία του» was not used for purposes religious .

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