What is Apologetics?

Meaning of Apologetics

In the religious context, the word apologetics serves to refer to a part of theology that is responsible for defending the principles of the Christian faith . It is the way of how Christianity is explained, before other cultures or principles that oppose it. In the field of theology, the term apologetics differs from apology in its objectives, because its attention is focused on the principles and methods of defense of Christian dogma.

Apologetics seeks to offer an answer to those who have doubts about faith , what is believed; This answer should always be said simply and with great respect. This theological discipline has been practiced since the early days of the church in defense of the faith. For the Catholic religion, apologetics, it responded to the many accusations that were unfairly made to the church from different contexts. The apologist fathers practiced it more openly, this brought him as a consequence, having to face many dangers, to defend the very existence of the church.

Honestly, the Christian faith has been one of the doctrines that have been attacked the most throughout the world, many make fun of Christian beliefs ; they defend other religions or they are in favor of atheism, or they are simply skeptical and need answers to help them believe.

Many of those who defend their religion, both Catholic and Evangelical. They do not have the fundamental knowledge of what Christian apologetics is and when the time comes, they do not know how to defend the principles in which they believe and why they believe it; This is what causes wrong answers about Christian doctrine that end up causing terrible damage to the gospel they preach.

The mission of apologetics is to help the believer better understand the doctrine he preaches , so that he can give a firm foundation to his beliefs. In the same way, it seeks to respond to the criticisms of skeptics and atheists , disarming their way of thinking and thus being able to lead them towards faith in Jesus Christ. Show evidence to those who do not believe in Christianity, in order to win more brothers of faith.

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