What is Apoliticism?

Meaning of Apoliticism

The apolitical is a term that is related to the conduct or position a person may have regarding the political issue , is that passive, indifferent or discrepant showing an individual to any political statement .

The individual who behaves apolitical, is called apolitical, and among his characteristics is that of not caring about political issues , they find all debates or political concentrations tedious and boring and are incapable of expressing any opinion on the matter. Generally, this attitude was assumed by adolescent youth , however today many young people are entering the field of politics every day.

The apolitical individual makes the decision on his own to detach himself from everything related to the political activity that surrounds him. This can influence the moment of holding elections , since if people are not interested in politics, they will not be interested in expressing their opinion through voting, so the level of abstention will increase. On the other hand, it can be said that apoliticalism has different ways of expressing its indifference towards politics, apoliticism is not always caused by disinterest, nor resentment towards politics, much less should an apolitical person be considered as someone who wants to generate disorders, rather, it can be said that the apolitical takes a political position before the political system .

In another sense, it can be said that apoliticism ends up being linked with conformity towards the ruling political system, where the apolitical does not question anything at all, rather accepts everything that the government applies, even if they do not agree with it.

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