What is Apathy?

Meaning of Apathy

In the psychological realm apathy it is expressed to point out a number of behaviors term that have to do with the state of mind of the person , specifically the lack of emotion, motivation and even enthusiasm for the things around him. Those who suffer from apathy can easily be identified by a series of characteristics such as: physical exhaustion, lack of energy and carrying out their activities by inertia.

Apathy has its origins from the Latin "aphatia" which translates as lack of strength, indifference and even laziness. An individual who apathetic simply does not want to do anything and everything does not matter, since he suffers from motivation for things. Since the beginning of Christianity, this term was used to indicate contempt for the concerns of those who did not profess religion , it is then when many philosophers began to implement the word becoming very popular at that time.

This term is easy to recognize in an individual, since it reflects an inaction , that is, a null action with respect to stimuli from the outside world, which makes the sufferer show little concern about what happens in their daily life . There are several types of apathy, among which are:

The social apathy is when the citizens of a community or region have little interest in the issues raised there and do not care what happens around them.

Sexual apathy is nothing more than the loss of sexual desire either by a member of the couple or by both and its causes can be several, in addition, it may happen with that person or with anyone other than the couple. Although psychologically it can be treated, the cause in many cases is due to past trauma .

Apathy is often confused with laziness or boredom, but when diagnosed it is understood that it may be the result of a disease such as stress or anxiety. Laziness according to the Bible is a capital sin and refers to the soul being lost, although sometimes the term laziness is used to refer to apathy.

Among the causes for which an individual may suffer from apathy, is that being overweight or underweight thanks to a poor diet can generate energy deficiency, the necessary energy that the body needs to carry out its daily activities. In the medical field, apathy is linked to depression and anxiety , as well as Alzheimer's and dementia, directly affecting the correct cognitive functioning of the person.

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