What is Antithesis?

Meaning of Antithesis

Represents an opposition or contrast between two statements , which in some cases can complement each other, to form a whole. The Antithesis itself represents the opposite of a previously given "thesis", it can also be rhetorical, used as a stylistic device or it can intervene in philosophy.

The antithesis, when used in writing as a resource to express the counterpart or opposition between two statements or sentences , is usually headed or initiated by opposing connectors such as "however", "but" or "on the contrary".

In literature, the antithesis represents the opposition or confrontation of two ideas that together create a uniform whole, capable of expressing an idea more effectively , creating a more vivid meaning or even a balance between the contrasts of the subject or general idea in question. .

In this way, the antithesis should not be confused with expressive literary devices such as the oxymoron or the paradox, since the oxymoron is the contradiction of two words in a row, for example: "burning ice" and the paradox joins two ideas that are contradictory, for example: "the miser, wealth makes him poorer."

In that sense, the antithesis is a logical literary figure , which highlights a general idea, through opposition or contrast, for example: "whoever did not want when he could, will not be able when he wants."

The rhetorical antithesis, represents a stylistic resource for literature , which focuses on opposing two phrases, verses or phrases , which express ideas that have an opposite or opposite meaning, or mostly subjective or indefinite impressions that are perceived as opposite (contrast ), which are close due to the proximity that one has over the other, in order to highlight one of them. Example: “the colder you go; me with more fire ”.

On the other hand, in philosophy the antithesis represents the opposition between two ideals, thoughts or judgments, such as: atheism and Catholicism or religiosity, reasoning and faith, socialism is the antithesis of capitalism.

Finally, it is known as antithesis when a person affirms something and later says something totally contrary , it is said that the latter would be an antithesis of what was previously exposed. Even the term can be used to express when one person or thing is opposed to another, for example: "the child is the antithesis of his father", because of the relationship it could be said that they should share tastes or styles, but by not doing so they represent an antithesis.

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