What is Antisocial?

Meaning of Antisocial

This is a term that is generally used to refer to a disease, rather a psychological disorder that some individuals present. As its name indicates, a subject with an antisocial personality disorder is a person who is against society, its norms and rules of behavior, and even the ethical and moral values that they try to impose on it.

For antisocial people the laws and rules that are already established in the world as norms of behavior are unimportant, for this reason their actions go against them, they also have no respect for the individual rights of people, which motivates them to take actions to harm others. Subjects designated as antisocial are fully aware that the actions they are carrying out are not "normal", that is, they know that what they are doing is wrong, either because it is against the law or customs. a community, however his antisocial impulses motivate him to continue with the crime he is committing.

This is an expression that is used in many circumstances, to refer to subjects who are opposed to following the order or behavior that has been established by a community. This type of person runs away from the rules generally because he believes that he cannot adapt to them or because inside he feels that the way in which he acts is the right way or convenient for him . Mostly they are motivated by the desire to achieve things that benefit them only, so they do not mind harming other people in one way or another, they are capable of doing almost anything in order to achieve what they want, what they want. leads to serious criminal acts.

The reason why a person can have antisocial behaviors can be varied , it can come from genetics, that is, transmitted by a member of the family , or it can be a behavior copied from those around him, either family or friends Another influential element may be the excessive use of drugs .

Metal disorder
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