What is Antisemitism?

Meaning of Antisemitism

Antisemitism is a word from Greek roots , formed from the prefix "a" that refers to "no" or "without", in addition to the root "baptizein" that means "baptize" or "immerse" and the suffix "ism "Which means" thought "or" doctrine. " Anti-Semitism, in a general sense, is that belief, system or position of total rejection towards people who have Jewish ancestry, religion or nationality , that is, it is that hostile behavior towards Jews just because they are Jews. But in addition, the term also refers to the political movement that opposes the social and economic predominance of the Jewish lineage , and that in certain cases also opposes coexistence with the same race .

Anti-Semitism can take the form of religious teachings that proclaim the inferiority of Jews, for example, or political efforts to isolate, oppress, or otherwise injure them. It can also include prejudiced or stereotyped views about Jews. This new conception of what antisemitism means emanated in the mid-nineteenth century as a spur of racism and nationalism, differentiated from the so-called "religious antisemitism" , prior to what is attributed as anti-Judaism, according to what certain historians say and whose most used expression would be anti-Christian Judaism.

It was specifically in the year 1879, that the German journalist Wilhelm Marr originated the term anti-Semitism , denoting the hatred of the Jews, and also the hatred of various liberal, cosmopolitan and international political tendencies of the 18th and 19th centuries, often associated with the Jews.

Such hostility towards Jews dates back to ancient times, perhaps to the beginning of Jewish history . From the days of the Bible to the Roman Empire, Jews were repeatedly criticized and punished for their efforts to remain a separate social and religious group and they refused to embrace the values and way of life of non-societies. Jews in which they lived. The Holocaust, the state sponsored persecution and murder of European Jews by Nazi Germany and its collaborators from 1933 to 1945 , is a clear example of extreme extremism in the history of anti-Semitism.

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