What is Antipathy?

Meaning of Antipathy

According to its etymology, the word antipathy descends from Greek, then from there it was transferred to Latin as "Antipathos" , "anti" which means against and "phatos" which refers to sentiment. It can be said that antipathy is a characteristic feeling of rejection that can appear in an individual when he is before a person who is not to his liking. Conceited or pedantic people can cause this type of feeling of antipathy and rejection on the part of others.

It is often thought that a person is unpleasant because, they do not say hello, they do not show any gesture of courtesy towards others, they do not like to be in groups, but that is something very subjective , and it really should not be generalized, since there are people who They are shy and find it difficult to relate, and therefore, it is not correct to classify them as unfriendly, you must first get to know people before calling them that, it has always happened that people are carried away by appearances when reality is different.

At work , in schools , everywhere you can run into someone like that. Antipathy people are generally not very affectionate, they always walk with a frown as if everything bothered them, in short, antipathy can cause certain problems in terms of social relationships , since antipathy with sociability does not get along hands. That individual who is considered unfriendly because of his way of being, will present certain problems when looking for friends. The antonym of the word antipathy is sympathy, it is the opposite, someone with sympathy will always be nice .

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