What is Anticoagulant?

Meaning of Anticoagulant

The drugs created to prevent blood clotting in the human body are called anticoagulants, which are widely used in cardiac and neurological treatments in order to prevent certain diseases related to these pathologies. The specialist in charge of evaluating the level of coagulation in the blood is in charge of carrying out a series of tests to calculate according to the data obtained if the coagulation in your body is normal or on the contrary has some lack of control, being thus he will be the person indicated for medicate.

The heart disease is the main cause of the use of anticoagulants in patients, since the phenomenon known as Thrombotic is causing them from forming blood clots in the veins and arteries, this being a very serious factor because when it occurs It affects the normal circulation of the blood and compromises the oxygen and nutrients of a certain tissue , which causes a heart attack.

Anticoagulant drugs are used mainly in people at risk of developing venous thrombosis , the most affected people being those with varicose veins in the legs and people who are in postoperative periods, since these patients suffer a greater risk of forming blood clots within certain Areas such as the legs and groin, which would result in the fact that they do detach, will travel through the bloodstream directly to the cavities of the heart from where they will travel to the pulmonary arteries causing a pulmonary thromboembolism, which could cause death.

There are two types of anticoagulants, the one that acts directly on blood clotting, such as heparin and warfarin, and another that bears the name of antiplatelet agents that attack platelets, preventing them from giving rise to the formation of a thrombus. I feel this the most common and used as aspirin .

Anticoagulants are drugs of delicate use , it is necessary that the patient is previously evaluated before starting their use since they carry a greater risk of the patient suffering a hemorrhage. These drugs have a variable dose, keeping it in the one that allows to achieve the expected pharmacological effects with the fewest possible side effects, patients who use anticoagulants should avoid self-medicating since many commonly used drugs are capable of interfering with their function and increasing the risk. of a hemorrhage.

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