What is Andragogy?

Meaning of Andragogy

In its simplest meaning, it is the guide or conduction of a set of learning techniques or teachings, where the learners are the adults; It is the counterpart of pedagogy , which is the orientation or teaching of children. The model to follow of andragogic education is based on the demands of the adult , who decides what to study and what he wants to study for, according to his requirement or need to learn , demanding more than what the teacher teaches, being autonomous in his learning , depending on the way of teaching, experience and group interaction, immediately applying what has been learned, making it more didactic and easy.

The fundamental characteristic of this adult education is; the way to resolve conflict or complex situations, organizing learning or what has been learned around the difficulty or problem, this being a way to achieve the desired goals and competencies I have imposed, strengthening values and positive attitudes, because the secret From this advance, it is that the adult learns because he wants to and not because he should.

It's a new study perspective, coming from a simple schedule; the teacher-guide, proceeds to give a conduction, giving a science of art that is permanence, in an advance of a permanent education. It allows to increase the thinking, self-management, quality of life and creativity of an adult , who is the one who encourages their self-learning and self-realization; based on its fundamental principles and on horizontal or direct and flexible participation, of a systematic approach to the motivation of how and why or for what to learn, channeling a teaching for life itself, motivating life daily, since it is their need to define themselves and to direct themselves or to direct their steps, accepting their differences and individual limitations and those of each person.

In summary, the adult possesses four important characteristics for andragogic learning; the motivation , the personal perspective of what you will learn, experience and availability of learning; thus reaching the final cycle of learning; acquire experience, know how to reflect, arrive at a conceptualization and in the end the application of what has been learned.

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