What is Anarchy?

Meaning of Anarchy

The Anarchy is the manifestation of the public disorder against a government that establishes laws that people do not want to comply. Anarchy implies a series of events marked by violence and popular danger, it is about the behavior that people take when they do not agree with the government system , therefore wars and events are carried out in which the citizen security. Anarchy allows people to lose respect for the system of laws that the government imposes. Of course, these events do not happen when everything goes in harmony between the people and the rulers.

Anarchy is the absolute disobedience of the rules and regulations established by an institution , as such any type of measures taken to control the situation are incomprehensible. This is when riots and street demonstrations take place that put the lives of innocents at risk. A clear example, in Venezuela , there has always been a problem with educational systems. The competent government does not pay well the workers and teachers who work in the main study houses of the country, for which they decide to take pressure measures such as closing the universities, calling for a stoppage of activities, while this happens, the students annoyed by not receiving the education that should be guaranteed, they take to the streets in search of more pressure, usually it always ends with anarchic measures that impede the proper development of the city's activities .

Beyond violence, anarchy comes from Anarchism, a doctrine that establishes in its principles that anyone who follows it must not comply with the government's establishments or the system that governs society. They are nothing more than a group of dissociated people who contemplate their tranquility by disobeying the laws that are based on the most humane values and principles for the proper development of the functions of a nation. This type of conduct causes those who practice it to commit any type of infraction and therefore must face justice in countries where anarchy is controlled.

Middle Ages
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