What is Ammonia?

Meaning of Ammonia

It is a chemical compound of nitrogen (NH3) with a repulsive odor that characterizes it , this is a gas and direct nutrient of the terrestrial organs since it is a precursor of fertilizers. It is also one of the most important synthesis in the pharmaceutical branch, it is also used in various commercial cleaning products.

Ammonia is also found naturally due to the decomposition of organic matter, in addition to being manufactured through industries, it is easily soluble and evaporates easily. It is regularly sold in liquid form . The amount of gas (ammonia) produced annually by industries is almost the same amount produced by nature .

This is produced naturally in the soil by bacteria, plants and decomposing animals , animal waste is also part of its successful development, ammonia is essential for many chemical processes.

80% of ammonia is produced by chemical plants and is used for the manufacture of fertilizers and its direct application. The rest is used for the manufacture of textiles, explosive plastics, in the manufacture of pulp, paper, food and beverages, refrigerants, household products and aromatic salts .

It is toxic to health by inhalation because high concentrations of ammonia can cause throat irritation , inflammation of the lung, damage to the respiratory tract and eyes, depending on its quantity or measure, it can lead to pulmonary edema or even death. , the latter only in cases where its concentration exceeds 5000 ppm. Digesting just a few drops of this chemical in its liquid form would cause the human being to destroy gastric mucus and severe damage to the digestive system as well as death.

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