What is Americanism?

Meaning of Americanism

It is a polysemic term , within which there are different definitions corresponding to different topics. Mostly, speaking of Americanism like that word closely related to America and its culture, movements emerged in it, as well as linguistic expressions used frequently. However, it is usually related to the expression, in some way, to North American culture, since they are known as "Americans" and the inhabitants of Spanish-speaking countries as "Latin Americans . "

In the field of linguistics , Americanism is spoken of as that term that was extracted from the indigenous languages established within the continent, to be incorporated into another language . Likewise, it can be those words used in other words and that were modified to be used in Latin Spanish or American English, exclusively for their speakers. Likewise, there is a science called "Americanism" (although it is also known as Americanism), whose function is to study everything related to America: from its geography to the great battles fought for the independence of each of its countries .

In psychology , different conditions have been detected that some individuals present, which consists of the feeling of attachment to a certain nation and, in the case of the American continent, it is called Americanism or Americanphilia, in which the subject experiences feelings of patriotism related to the continent. It should be noted, some uses refer to strictly the love of Americans for their country, that is, it would not be treating the entire continent. Finally, Americanism is a movement created by the American Catholic population of the 19th century, being considered a heresy by the church and, therefore, condemned to be exterminated .

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