Meaning of Ambition
Etymologically the term ambition comes from the Latin "Ambitio" and is defined as the interest or desire to achieve objectives, to achieve goals at a personal, economic or professional level, the person with ambition is always working towards achieving what interests him and that it is based on the life project proposed by her.
Human beings from childhood begin to have ambitions, for example to get good grades in school, to be accepted on the baseball team , or to be the best dancer in dance school, etc. and as it grows, the ambitions change; When you are a young adult the main thing is to graduate from university, get a good job, marry the person you want, buy the house of your dreams, among many other things, each individual has different ambitions.
There are ambitions that are not so basic, that is, they can be a bit superficial such as going on trips , to know, to enjoy, to win the lottery jackpot , etc. They can be considered superficial but they are still ambitions. Ambition itself is not bad, it simply depends on how the person handles it, he can do it in a positive way, if he achieves each goal with effort, without harming anyone, now if to achieve the goals he harms or makes another person unhappy then ambition will be considered negative and will be linked to the term greed, which in the Christian religion represents one of the seven deadly sins. The person with negative ambition or greed, will not mind committing illicit acts if with it you can achieve what you propose.
There are collective ambitions , for example, one of the ambitions of environmental groups is to make the world aware of the damage they are doing to the planet through pollution, so they join forces to achieve that goal Another goal would be to decontaminate water , soil, etc. To achieve all of this, you need to work, fight, and never give up. Now, when a person does not have any type of ambition but simply conforms to what they have and does not aspire to anything else, they are what the ambitious call conformists , however, it is important to say that everyone is within their rights take the attitude that you like the most and therefore should not be subject to criticism .