What Does airbrushing Mean
The airbrushing is a technical art of applying paint making use of an apparatus compressed air known as airbrush . This device is loaded with paint that the artist then blends onto the surface to be painted.
It can be said that airbrushing resembles graffiti that is done using a spray . In this case, you have to direct the airbrush to create the strokes, an action that requires a lot of skill.
What the airbrush does is mix the pigments of the paint with air and expel them in an atomized way. In addition to the artist's ability to handle the artifact, the technical conditions of the equipment also affect the quality of the work .
Several versions maintain that the origins of airbrushing go back to prehistory . At that time, tube-like bones were used to release pigments and paint the walls of caves.
It is possible to appeal to airbrushing in different areas. There are those who create paintings with this technique, just as those who resort to brushes do. It is known as body painting , on the other hand, the branch of art that uses the human body as a canvas, being able to apply the paint with an airbrush.
Airbrushing is also used on an industrial level. Its use is frequent in the field of the automotive industry , even for restoration tasks .
It should be noted that airbrushing courses and workshops are often offered for those who want to learn to master this practice. The objective is that people know how to handle the airbrush and know the different possibilities that the device offers.