Meaning of Affability
There is talk of a quality that some people have when dealing with others, the word Affabilis means: person who can be easily spoken to. It is not feigned in its treatment or based on the lie, being a kind quality , which contains a lot of a variety of feelings such as tenderness , kindness, sincerity, sweetness , affection, respect among others, while the Hypocrisy, although it can be masked, do not enter it.
Being affable of spirit leads to a peaceful disposition and leads to being a good person without being or feeling superior to anyone, it is a very characteristic virtue of someone as part of their personality. Since it is a humane treatment, the doctor, for example, must have affability to be able to treat his patients as they deserve. It is an important category in any area of life and personality as a trait of an individual, as synonyms we find being warm, helpful, pleasant, respectful and more; terms that lead to a description of the qualities of a pleasant being, the variety of positive attitudes in the relationship that one can have with others. Other descriptions of affability is to pay attention, appreciate and encourage helping to make living conditions better and fruitful; work is best done in a warmer environment , students communicate better by being heard and getting the attention they require, by being given to consider how to express, see and feel things as others see them, such as a family nucleus being an act of primordial love .
The most important example of this virtue is Jesus Christ who taught how to live with others, to pay attention to those most in need, since he understood the needs of each person and that man in himself is a sociable being , who lives in society, In communities of a variety of people with different characters, he showed that coexistence and respect belong to all and that it goes far above the defects, disabilities and ideals or ways of life of each one, he taught to love others dealing with everyone when talking about their purposes here on earth, affability is a trait of a spiritual and religious person.