Meaning of Address
Allocution , a word from the Latin “allocutĭo” , which means short speech , in ancient times this word was used to talk about those public speeches directed by Roman soldiers to their troops, usually this action was accompanied by certain slogans that gave start or end of each battle . This action could be performed only by those people who had a high position within society , such as soldiers, kings or rulers ; the address was generally held in open places and in a kind of tribune, which allowed to attract the attention of all listeners.
At present there is a tendency to confuse the terms of speech and speech , it is for this reason, that it is necessary to clarify, that speech is a speech directed by someone in authority to his subjects while speech is the way in which it is spoken or expressed orally .
When a speech is made, it must be taken into account that through it it is intended to make a topic known in a brief way, it is also necessary that each of the words be expressed with an appropriate vocabulary , and you must have a tone of voice nice to all listeners.
The structure of an address is as follows: First of all, the person must have established in advance the topic that they will present, once established the person must start with an opening of the topic, then a small development of it follows and finally a conclusion , where the outcome of the subject will be discussed.