Meaning of Acceleration
Acceleration for the field of physics is a vector quantity that serves to express the way in which a body alters the speed that it carries in a certain path in an upward manner. Acceleration is arranged according to physics as the force between the weight (mass of the leather) and the international system of units has one for this physical variable, m / s ^ 2 . Isaac Newton , father of physics and mechanics in his work tells us that the acceleration is determined by the force that the object carries with it on the path it describes, the acceleration is appreciated when the particle experiences an increase in speed in the same direction in which it is going because, if it alters its course, the acceleration will not be uniform and the case in which the orientation changes this object will decelerate.
Acceleration is related to time and to develop various types of it and in turn are variables which are applied in different fields of study. Tangential acceleration indicates the speed that the moving body is taking with respect to time, for example, if a car accelerates at 2 m / s it is known that in 5 s it will travel 10 m. The normal or centripetal acceleration is a phenomenon in which the object describes a circle, we make the relation with the radius of a circumference because the speed, although it is increasing, is not rectilinear. Average acceleration meanwhile, it is an average relationship of the speed increases of a body over time, unlike the tangential, the average acceleration comprises a study of accelerations, both positive and negative, this is useful when determining trajectories and time in which it is estimated to reach the preselected destination. The acceleration of gravity is the speed with which bodies are attracted to the earth's surface. It is always expressed in 9.8m / s ^ 2.
Acceleration is an intrinsic term , its relationship with nature is its own and endowed with its faculties, the need for an object does not depend on other variables, however in the study of physics it is necessary to complement with important variables such as weather.