What is Abstract?

Meaning of Abstract

The word abstract in generic terms refers to something non-specific, which does not have its own reality , that is why human thought is considered abstract, because of the things that a person can observe, they can only extract certain general characteristics and get ideas from them.

The thoughts related to beauty, love, desire , etc. They are ideas that cannot be observed anywhere , however human beings are capable of interpreting them through the process of abstraction.

In the field of the arts, the abstract word has had a special intervention, since when talking about abstract art it is referring to an artistic style that seeks to distinguish aspects such as color, structure and form , deepening them even more and thus being able to accentuate his expressive power and to move away more and more from any imitation of models.

For those authors who support the abstract style, the most important thing is not to symbolize through painting , the elements of nature, as they are perceived before the eyes of man , since for lovers of abstract art the most significant thing is power. create an independent visual language that is full of its own meanings, that is, it is not associated with themes that can be observed or touched in reality.

Abstract art originates as a rejection of realism , which began to decline with the emergence of photography ; defining itself as an objective artistic expression, which represents free forms, taken from the imagination of those who create it. This artistic style began during the year 1910 and strengthened in 1950.

However, during the 1980s, new forms of abstraction appeared in the field of plastic arts , such as sensible abstraction, which promoted the return of color and preserved the sensitive part of the artist; in the same way but with less intensity, the abstract was shown in other artistic areas such as music and sculpture .

Abstract sculpture is based on three-dimensionality, supported by the classical resources of sculpture. As are geometric shapes and textures.

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