Meaning of Abomination
The origin of the word abomination is found in the Latin "abominatio" which refers to "something evil like a bad omen" and it should be taken into account that it is a Hebrew term that is used in the Bible. The use of the word abomination can refer both to the "subject" something abominable and to the "verb" the action and effect of abomination, which means to curse or condemn a person or a thing.
To refer to an abomination is to allude to someone or something that is bad or harmful and for this reason it is worthy of loathing and detesting . The translation that has been given to word when they refer to it in the Bible is to refer to something prohibited because it is considered a sin or taboo , in this case we can say that according to religious law an abomination is a prohibition because it is considered something that comes from or generates evil .
Many affirm that in the Bible when they refer to an abomination , they are referring to homosexual relationships , since they indicate that the fact of turning a man into a woman and vice versa is an abomination because they consider it a capital sin, for that reason they curse and hate them and despise . But in reality what the Bible indicates as an abomination is the worship of different gods and rituals that were not totally clean, indicating that idolatry cults should be condemned, but out of ignorance, it was a misused term.
Another way of indicating that something is an abomination is when great moral offenses are made against someone, and that in the end they turn out to be false.