What is Abdominal perimeter?

What Does Abdominal perimeter Mean

The idea of perimeter refers to the contour or limits of something. Abdominal , meanwhile, refers to what is linked to the abdomen (the belly).

These definitions allow us to easily understand the concept of abdominal girth . This is how the contour of the abdomen is called : that is, the measurement of the circumference of the belly .
The abdominal circumference provides useful information on the level of intra-abdominal fat and allows to alert about potential health problems . To measure it, a tape measure is used: the subject must stand with his feet together and the tape must be wrapped around his belly at the navel. The measurement should be done after taking a deep breath and expelling the air, without applying pressure.

While in women it is usually indicated that the abdominal girth can measure up to 88 centimeters , in men the value considered acceptable reaches up to 102 centimeters . If these figures are exceeded, the person faces an increased heart risk.
When a doctor detects a larger than normal abdominal girth, he or she may suggest a consultation with a nutritionist to establish a healthier diet that allows you to reduce fat. It is also common to recommend frequent physical activity. The abdominal girth, however, can grow due to different disorders, for which the professional is able to indicate various studies or analyzes that allow him to understand the cause of the elevated measurement.
For the Spanish Heart Foundation ( FEC ), for example, the fat that accumulates in the abdomen constitutes a more relevant cardiovascular risk factor than being overweight . Faced with this scenario, the entity suggests appealing to the measurement of the abdominal girth and not limiting itself to the estimation of the body mass index ( BMI ).
Among the various tips that the Spanish Heart Foundation tries to disseminate to lead a healthy life and minimize the level of fat in the abdomen are the following:
* consume an adequate amount of water a day to avoid fluid retention;
* Eliminate from the diet any product that contains saturated fat, excess calories or simple sugars to protect the heart and keep body weight below the values ​​of concern;

* do physical exercise. This point must be understood in context, since not all of us can practice any sport or train the body with the same intensity, but it is important to keep moving to strengthen our muscles, increase basal metabolism, achieve correct posture and expend calories;
* do not overlook the hours of sleep or rest needed per day. Extreme tiredness is known to reduce performance , cause stress, and disrupt eating habits;
* In a similar way to the previous point, it is important to treat yourself, respect your own needs beyond what is strictly organic and work;
* Do not restrict calories in an exaggerated way, because this can bring opposite results to those desired: the metabolism slows down, so the body takes longer to burn fat.
As we can see in the previous list, to obtain an acceptable value in the measurement of the abdominal girth it is not enough to "eat little" or "avoid fat", but we must aim for a balanced life, an equation as simple as it is rare in our lives. time. From the posture when sitting, lying down and walking to the hours of sleep and the relationship with leisure , we must take care of every aspect of our existence.
It is useless to restrict yourself when it comes to eating if we are not absolutely convinced of the reasons why we do it. Food is a necessity , which we can take advantage of to enjoy but it should not serve to cover emotional problems.

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