Pleural plaque disease is a type of lung disease that can develop in the lungs of people who have been chronically exposed to airborne asbestos fibers. Asbestos is a naturally occurring mineral that was widely used in the 20th century, particularly in construction, textile manufacturing, and shipbuilding. Asbestos is potentially toxic when inhaled and can cause a type of lung cancer called mesothelioma and a chronic lung disease called asbestosis . Pleural plaques can develop as a symptom of asbestosis, but can also form in the absence of any other type of lung disease.
Although most uses of asbestos have been discontinued in many countries, asbestos is still mined in a number of places, including Australia, Canada, Finland, North America, and South Africa. Furthermore, asbestos lung disease can remain undetected for two decades or more in an affected person. This means that pleural plaque disease and other asbestos related diseases remain a major problem in many parts of the world.
Asbestos fibers are long, thin, and extremely durable. The most dangerous fibers are small, and they are too small to be seen with the naked eye. When these fibers are inhaled into the lungs, they lodge in the lung tissue. The body cannot remove the fibers from the lungs or break them down into a less harmful form. Over a period of up to four decades, these fibers cause chronic irritation in lung tissue. This leads to the deposition of collagen fibers around the places where asbestos is found, forming a pleural plaque.
Eventually, the pleural plaque can become calcified, meaning calcium salts have built up in the tissue, causing it to harden. Therefore, the area where a pleural plate is located cannot function as normal lung tissue does, because it has hardened and can no longer expand as the lungs inflate during breathing. People with pleural plaques have shortness of breath on exertion; In advanced cases of disease, they may have shortness of breath even when at rest. Breathing can also be painful. Another common symptom of pleural plaque disease is the presence of pleural effusion, which occurs because fluid builds up in the pleural cavity. This is the body cavity where the lungs are located.
A person with pleural plaques cannot be cured; Once plaques are present in the lungs, they cannot be removed or repaired. Further damage can be prevented if he or she is no longer exposed to asbestos. Since the disease cannot be cured, treatment focuses on controlling symptoms. One of the most common treatments is the use of an oxygen mask for people who have difficulty breathing.
Pleural effusion is treated with a procedure called aspiration , in which a long, thin needle is inserted into the pleural cavity. Excess fluid is removed through the needle. A procedure called pleurodesis for people with severe recurrent pleural effusion. During this procedure, fluid is drained from the pleural cavity and surgical powder or another inflammatory substance is introduced into the cavity. The resulting swelling causes swelling that closes the layers of the pleural membrane that surround the lungs, preventing fluid from accumulating.
People with pleural plaques are also advised to stop smoking as soon as possible, if appropriate. In addition, it is important that respiratory infections, even minor infections such as a cold, are treated promptly and carefully monitored. Due to decreased lung function, such infections can become serious if left untreated.