What causes splenic flexure syndrome?

Splenic flexure syndrome (SFS) is a health condition that involves severe discomfort in the upper abdomen. Often exhibiting symptoms such as bloating or cramping in the colon area, the disease is sometimes classified as a form of Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS). The pain can also be very similar to that of a heart attack, and can even be confused with the onset of a cardiac event, due to the proximity of the heart to the area of ​​discomfort. As with any other form of IBS, there is not always a consensus on exactly what can cause these types of problems, although there are some suspected causes of the condition that can be easily identified.

One of the most commonly accepted causes for splenic flexure syndrome is the development of excess gas in the gastrointestinal tract that will not go away. The trapped gas causes significant discomfort in the upper abdomen and triggers muscle spasms in the colon. In some cases, treatment by a doctor will be necessary to help release trapped gas and provide the patient with a measure of relief.

Currently, there is no consensus on what can cause gas trapping which in turn leads to the muscle spasms, swelling, and extreme pain that is part of splenic flexure syndrome. There are some theories that suggest that the spasms themselves trigger the capture of gas in the colon, exacerbating the level of discomfort. Research into this and other health problems related to the colon is ongoing, even though various treatments are used to treat symptoms and provide relief for people with this condition.

To that end, people with splenic flexure syndrome may be put on a special diet that excludes the consumption of foods that tend to trigger gas and bloating, especially in the colon. While foods that are considered gassy, ​​like beans, are limited or excluded altogether, there are sometimes limits on foods like dark green leafy vegetables as well. The patient may also find that some foods not excluded by the diet plan should also be avoided due to triggering unpleasant effects on the weakened gastrointestinal system. For this reason, a person suffering from splenic flexure syndrome or any other form of IBS should work closely with a trained dietitian to come up with a plan that allows for intake of essential nutrients while causing muscle cramps and spasms as small as as possible. When combined with proper medication, this special diet can limit the number and severity of episodes, allowing the patient to enjoy a decent quality of life.

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