Causes of ear and sinus pressure include a blocked Eustachian tube, changes in barometric pressure, and infection. Also, flying in airplanes and swimming can also cause pain and pressure. Often, when someone develops an ear or sinus infection, fluid builds up in the ear, causing not only a feeling of pressure, but also dizziness, vertigo, and pain. Although ear infections in adults are not common, sinus infections are.
Antibiotics are usually required when ear and sinus pressure are caused by an infection. The use of antibiotics is only appropriate when the infection is bacterial in nature, as these drugs are not effective against viruses. However, most of the time, whether viral or bacterial, a sinus infection resolves on its own, without treatment.
Sometimes simple remedies like chewing gum, yawning, or blowing your nose forcefully can improve clogged ears and restore deaf hearing. Other times, sinus pain can be so intense that it causes excruciating pain when bending or bending over. Taking a decongestant can help relieve pressure and eliminate clogged ears and sinus pain.
Although many people do not consider medications such as ibuprofen to be an adequate treatment for ear and sinus pressure, this medication can relieve pressure-related pain very successfully. Ibuprofen does not relieve actual pressure, so other treatments, such as facial massages and nasal sprays, are often recommended. When nasal sprays are used, the results are often immediate and dramatic. However, the quick results prompt people to overuse them, which can be dangerous and actually cause an increase in symptoms.
Ear pressure can often result from trapped water. As water is trapped in the ear from swimming or showering, bacteria can reproduce and cause infection and inflammation. In those who are susceptible to ear infections, earplugs should be worn when swimming or showering.
Also, when nasal infection or congestion causes ear pain, analgesic ear drops can substantially relieve pain and inflammation. After applying ear drops, it is important for the individual to lie on their side for a few minutes to ensure that the medication reaches the inner ear and is not depleted. If the ear pain becomes severe, the individual needs to see a medical professional because the eardrum may have ruptured.