What are the symptoms of polymyalgia rheumatica?

Polymyalgia rheumatica is a difficult disease that can cause discomfort, stiffness, and pain in a variety of joints, and the onset can sometimes be sudden. This condition is more associated with older people, typically affecting people over the age of 50. It is considered an autoimmune disease and has some relation to other types of arthritis. In addition to pain in a variety of joints, symptoms of polymyalgia rheumatica can include those that make people feel run down or tired.

The pain associated with this disease is classified as moderate to severe, which means that some people will be uncomfortable and others may be in extreme pain. The disease also varies by onset. Some people get out of bed in the morning with the sudden onset of most polymyalgia rheumatica symptoms and may experience tight or sore hips, sore thighs, sore shoulders, sore arms, and a tight neck. At first, the discomfort may be confined to one side of the body, but it will usually affect both sides and, as sometimes stated, the condition may occur quickly or it may take a while to fully develop.

Pain and discomfort are the most striking symptoms of polymyalgia rheumatica, and people may report feeling different levels of pain throughout the day. Some find that upon waking in the morning, the stiffness and pain are more noticeable, but with a little movement, there is an improvement and they are less uncomfortable. The degree of muscle pain is clearly variable, although when people are not treated for this disease, it can gradually worsen.

In addition to pain, the symptoms of polymyalgia rheumatica can make some people feel like they have the flu. They may feel very tired and run down, and have a general feeling of being unwell. Some people also report weight loss. Along with these more common expressions of the disease, other symptoms of polymyalgia rheumatica have been reported, which may include depression, low-grade fever, loss of appetite, and muscle pain or stiffness in other areas of the body. Blood tests usually reveal that people are anemic.

The rheumatic symptoms of polymyalgia may be present with another condition. Some people already have or will have giant cell arthritis, which causes inflammation of the arteries. Some people see polymyalgia rheumatica as a harbinger of single-cell arthritis. However, others are quick to point out that people who already have single-cell arthritis may have this condition second. Clearly, the relationship between the two diseases is not fully understood.

Fortunately, there is a treatment for polymyalgia rheumatica, which can help reduce the symptoms of the disease. This includes administering medications such as nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) and corticosteroids. With treatment, as long as people can tolerate the side effects, the condition may go away in two to four years or sooner.

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